tomb raider 2013

Tomb Raider – Definitive Edition (PS4 finally gets some use!)

Last year’s reboot of Tomb Raider was, one of my favorite games that came out last year, and perhaps one of my favorite games of all time.  Graphics were great, controls were tight, and the story was right up there.  Supporting cast was, well, not very supportive, but Lara herself had enough gusto to carry everything in her young shoulders.  Fast forward to about roughly a year (OK so about 11 months and change), Tomb Raider: (more…)

Happauge PVR 2 Impressions and a quick Tomb Raider Gameplay video



A few days ago, I finally bit the bullet and bought a Happauge PVR 2 to provide you guys with some additional content on the games we are playing.  I had bought this knowing that it will not work with the PS3 using HDMI.  Since it has HDCP protection, you need to hook up your PS3 via component connection, and not HDMI.  Anyway, the install, and set up on the PC was pretty straight forward.  I just had to reset my PS3 video settings to do component since I was hooked up via HDMI.  Long story short, after about a 15 or so minutes, installing the software, hooking it up, and resetting my PS3, I was up and running.   (more…)