Day: January 29, 2014

Tomb Raider Comic

Hot off the heels of the successful reboot of Tomb Raider, comes a comic book by Dark Horse comics. The story line will take place right after the events of the game, and will be written by Gail Simone. I haven’t been in the comics game in a while, but this excites me. I don’t know, I am in full Tomb Raider mode. The reboot totally won me over. Check out the preview art below.


Tomb Raider (Definitive Edition) Quick Screen Cap. Comparo / Impressions

I just finished playing a few minutes of Tomb Raider – Definitive Edition (TR-DE) and took a couple of screen captures.  I did the same on the PC side.  Well, see for yourself.


Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition

Tomb Raider – Definitive Edition
