Tomb Raider (Definitive Edition) Quick Screen Cap. Comparo / Impressions

I just finished playing a few minutes of Tomb Raider – Definitive Edition (TR-DE) and took a couple of screen captures.  I did the same on the PC side.  Well, see for yourself.


Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition

Tomb Raider – Definitive Edition

Tomb Raider PC

Tomb Raider PC

It’s self explanatory, PS4 on top, PC on bottom.  I have the graphics  set on the PC side to Ultimate.   My PVR capped/recorded the game a tad too dark, so I had to adjust a bit (levels).  I tweaked the PC one too a tad, but other than putting my watermark, and adjusting the levels, it was left untouched.  You can see the stark difference in Lara’s Face.  I prefer the TR DE Lara better, makes her look a bit older.

So far, I like what I see on TR-DE.  Aside for the graphical boost, I enjoyed some sound effects coming from the DS4, as well as the status light changes colors as you go along.  PS Camera gets some love too, I can yell out ‘show map’, and the map will just pop up.  More comparisons to follow, as well as more impressions.

One comment

  1. Last year I bought Tomb Raider the Definitive Edition for PS4 and I played it till level 4, when poor Lara Croft is betrayed and is made prisoner by the Russians. When there is the part where Lara goes against Vladimir the Terrible I can knock him down with a kick on the family jewels and a bite on the ear, but when Lara wrestle for the gun with Vladimir, I arrive to where I use analogue stick I do right, but when I should press for the square, I don’t receive it and promptly I got Lara gets shot, naturally I curse Vladimir and I have to play the blasted part. I feel frustrated, disappointed and angry because I hate losing

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