Nathan Drake

Tomb Raider: Impressions update

I need a spa-day

I got the chance to play the game a bit more today, and I did experience my first frustrations.  There’s a part where you’re being swept down a mountain by gravity and strong currents and you have to dodge some obstacles.  Thing was it was hard to see what to dodge.  I died maybe 8 times via impalement in the neck.  It was quite disturbing to see Lara get stabbed by a rod in the neck.  I guess if you are in that situation, you wont have much time to really move about.  After finally managing to get out of that section alive, the next part, which was graphically gorgeous, involved a parachute and some tall trees.  Again, you had to maneuver yourself to avoid the trees, otherwise, Lara gets impaled in the torso.   (more…)

Tomb Raider: Impressions



There’s not too many game’s that I own (and I do have a pretty hefty collection) that I can safely say I have enjoyed playing every second of.  I can probably count it with one hand.  The reboot of Tomb Raider is one of them, so far.  It’s been about a week since I had purchased the game, and I’ve played about an hour or so since (minus the weekend).   Even the QTE filled first hour or tutorial segment wasn’t as annoying as I had anticipated.  Anyway, this new iteration of Tomb Raider is so much more like Naughty Dog‘s Uncharted, rather than the Tomb Raiders of old.  Now, even though I own a couple of the older games, I haven’t really played them, so I cannot make a direct comparison yet on how the game evolved.  (Perhaps i’ll crack open my XBox 360 Anniversary edition and give it a go)
