A trio of awesomeness – Nintendo announces some 3DS titles. (long over due sequels)

I wont even say much about these titles.  They are made by Nintendo using their A-List protagonists, and when Nintendo does that, it’s usually most probably going to be awesome.  I might as well just hand over some cash to them now, cause these are must get titles.  Finally something new to play on my 3DS.  I think with these 3 upcoming titles, I would’ve picked up one, but Fire Emblem is awesome in it’s own right. Now, GIVE US ADVANCED WARS!!!


[youtube http://youtu.be/DMUHXPQ8g30] [youtube http://youtu.be/IcZ8wnPWb4s] [youtube http://youtu.be/bBQxVOyeiXk]







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