Crystal Dynamics

Tomb Raider (Definitive Edition) Quick Screen Cap. Comparo / Impressions

I just finished playing a few minutes of Tomb Raider – Definitive Edition (TR-DE) and took a couple of screen captures.  I did the same on the PC side.  Well, see for yourself.


Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition

Tomb Raider – Definitive Edition


Tomb Raider – Definitive Edition (PS4 finally gets some use!)

Last year’s reboot of Tomb Raider was, one of my favorite games that came out last year, and perhaps one of my favorite games of all time.  Graphics were great, controls were tight, and the story was right up there.  Supporting cast was, well, not very supportive, but Lara herself had enough gusto to carry everything in her young shoulders.  Fast forward to about roughly a year (OK so about 11 months and change), Tomb Raider: (more…)

Tomb Raider is here!




After some odd system’s malfunctions at Best Buy, I finally picked up my collectors edition Tomb Raider, as well as the Limited edition guide.  After I get a quick bite to eat, I will be doing the un-boxing video, and playing it for a bit, then reporting back to you guys initial impressions.

Stay Tuned


New Toys

So, I’ve been on the market for a new mouse, gaming mouse, since my regular mouse hurt my hand after a good amount of  playing, and well, it wasn’t just up to par playing MMO’s.  It’s a nice idea to have some buttons within thumbs reach on one hand, just to get an attack or a heal out in the thick of things.  I almost bit the bullet last week on a Mad Catz R.A.T. 7, with full customization’s on the shape and feel of the mouse, the only downside was, that it was wired.  It was also on sale at Best Buy for $79.99 and I had some Best Buy Rewards money, so it would’ve cost me well under what it normally sells for out of pocket.

Mad Catz R.A.T. 7 Gaming Mouse

Mad Catz R.A.T. 7 Gaming Mouse

Well, I ended up procrastinating, and the wired-ness of it turned me off a bit.  I ended up going back to BB today, and check out if it was still on sale, and it wasn’t, BUT the Logitech G700 wireless gaming mouse was, and for a lot cheaper, $59.99.  So I jumped on it.  I just finished installing it, and it is a lot nicer to hold than my previous mouse, and more closer to feel to my old Logitech MX Revolution laser mouse.  (I loved that thing).  I haven’t had a chance to try it on SWTOR yet, maybe later.

Logitech G700 Gaming Mouse

Logitech G700 Gaming Mouse


While I was at Best Buy, I decided to pre-order the next Tomb Raider, due out next week.  I have been keeping my eye out for this game, as it’s a reboot, and they made Lara Croft more, realistic per-say.  I also picked up Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on the recommendation of NekkedSnake.  I’m gonna go eat dinner and try this out real quick, and will post up an initial thought’s segment, and let you know how the first few minutes or first hour is of the game.  I want to get it done by next week, so I can have more time to dedicate on Tomb Raider.

My new items

My new items

My game’s list is quickly filling, with SWTOR, Fire Emblem: Awakening, and now Metal Gear Rising, I won’t have much time to do anything else.  I can’t even list the other games I have pending, and I won’t even mention the fact that myself and Cheesecake are still playing RE 6.  But this will provide more content for you, our readers.