video games

Time to Switch?


Nintendo’s NX is finally revealed, and it’s now called Nintendo Switch. See the reveal video below and have your mind blown.


Gaming Follies – Hideo Takes Out Jezza’s Chin



The only thing I can say about this game at the moment is, wow, that was the best intro/tutorial I have ever done.  The graphics are top notch, the voice acting superb thus far, controls – tight.  I do not have one single complaint yet about this game, but granted I have only played the intro/tutorial.  Below are some choice grabs. (or grabs that I was able to get or remember to get since I was too engrossed on what was going on)

Note: There may or  may not be some spoilers.  You have been warned.


Kojima’s Final Masterpiece Is Finally Upon Us


Hideo Kojima’s swan song for the Metal Gear series, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain hit store shelves today and if it’s anything like last year’s teaser, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, this should be a doozy. (more…)

Batman: Arkham Knight – Impressions

image Not too long ago I picked up Rocksteady’s last installment on the Batman series.  Their take on the Batman franchise has been well coveted.  I do own the games for PC on Steam, as well as having, I think, Batman: Arkham City on PS3 via their PS+.  I picked up this game for the PlayStation 4


LOL – Vayne “Refresh” With Thresh

League of Legends

League of Legends

Some days after work, my brother and I get a chance to unwind by playing League of Legends.  This game was introduced to us by my son a few years ago (I’m guessing around 2011).  To those who don’t know this game,

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Impressions [UPDATE]

Just a quick update on my progress on the Definitive Edition of  Tomb Raider.  Even though I had beaten the PS3 version (100% on the single player campaign), I still find myself enjoying Lara’s rebooted adventure.  It’s actually a bit fun now, as I’m just really toying with the NPC’s, even with Lara’s low skill level at this point in the game.  Anyway, I find the graphics to be great, and it does add another layer of challenge to the game.  Early on in the game, with the weather ravaging and slowing Lara’s progress, with blinding lightning, and rain drops filling the screen, it makes for an added element of hardship, and it makes you feel like you are there.

I mentioned before the jungle seems more livelier on this version as opposed to the PS3 or even the PC version on ultimate.  Lara’s clothes also seemed more detailed.  These are just initial findings though.  I need to catch up on the PC version to see more and do a better comparison graphically.  The few little things that they added to the PS4 version is a nice touch, like using the Dual Shock 4’s speakers for foot steps, gun fire, and other arbitrary sound effects.  It’s not much, but it somehow add’s a lot.  I notice the sound effects sound a bit better.  Once I get my capture rig going again, I’ll post more video’s of all 3 versions.  For now I leave you with some screen shots done via the PS4’s share button.  I did adjust them slightly for clarity.


Lighting effects are great

Lighting effects are great

Facial detail is absolutely stunning

Facial detail is absolutely stunning


Nice textures on her hand wrap

Nice textures on her hand wrap

She really needs a day in the spa

She really needs a day in the spa

Tomb Raider – Definitive Edition (PS4 finally gets some use!)

Last year’s reboot of Tomb Raider was, one of my favorite games that came out last year, and perhaps one of my favorite games of all time.  Graphics were great, controls were tight, and the story was right up there.  Supporting cast was, well, not very supportive, but Lara herself had enough gusto to carry everything in her young shoulders.  Fast forward to about roughly a year (OK so about 11 months and change), Tomb Raider: (more…)

Dual shock 4


I quickly took the unboxing video, and now we have to dub it, and do all this other stuff.  We also will try to get it to work with our PS3, as some reports state.  On super early impressions, it feels good, a bit bigger than the DS3, and a bit heftier, but not uncomfortable.  It does feel more ergonomic in the hands.  Shoulder buttons feel better placed and the analogs feel that much tighter.  The touchpad, can also be pressed, which I didn’t know.  In any case, here’s a quick comparo pic with my pretty dirty DS3.




Original Post:



We just picked up our very own dual shock 4 for Sony‘s upcoming PlayStation 4. We will have a hands on impressions up soon. Stay tuned.



Mortal Kombat Legacy Season 2

Possibly the best imagining of a real life Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat Legacy took the you tubes by storm in 2011.  After a couple of  years or so after season 1, season 2 is upon us, and all of season 2 can be watched right now, instead of having to wait every week for a new episode.

Here’s the link to the first episode.


and here is season 1, if you want to catch up.




Thank You, Friends

That’s right. I went there, we’re… Friends. And I’m so glad to be able to share this moment of reflection with you all, because The Big Cheese (and of course, NekkedSnake) and I have turned ONE on WordPress. That’s right. We’ve been throwing useless babble, rants, and bad music at you lot for just over a year now.

And we’re all genuinely sorry for slowing down. But we’re getting old-for Pete’s sake, we’re one!-and we try our best to cover what interests us.

Incredibly, we’ve kept such a solid basis of readers after only doing this according to what tickles our fancies. Thankfully several thousand of you share the same fancies!

In the course of the year, we’ve spread word of songs that were unheard of until shortly after we spoke of such (Gangnam Style and Thrift Shop), blamed HTC and Verizon and Samsung for the world’s problems, and updated the bunch of you with great songs and tech news.

So from all of us here at JWAB, thank you!!!! Keep supporting us and we’ll make it our mission to pleasure ourselv-I mean, keep you informed- with what goes on. Stay awesome!

Don’t forget, by the way. Our blog is


And remember our premise.
