
Thank You, Friends

That’s right. I went there, we’re… Friends. And I’m so glad to be able to share this moment of reflection with you all, because The Big Cheese (and of course, NekkedSnake) and I have turned ONE on WordPress. That’s right. We’ve been throwing useless babble, rants, and bad music at you lot for just over a year now.

And we’re all genuinely sorry for slowing down. But we’re getting old-for Pete’s sake, we’re one!-and we try our best to cover what interests us.

Incredibly, we’ve kept such a solid basis of readers after only doing this according to what tickles our fancies. Thankfully several thousand of you share the same fancies!

In the course of the year, we’ve spread word of songs that were unheard of until shortly after we spoke of such (Gangnam Style and Thrift Shop), blamed HTC and Verizon and Samsung for the world’s problems, and updated the bunch of you with great songs and tech news.

So from all of us here at JWAB, thank you!!!! Keep supporting us and we’ll make it our mission to pleasure ourselv-I mean, keep you informed- with what goes on. Stay awesome!

Don’t forget, by the way. Our blog is


And remember our premise.


Random photo of the day – November 27, 2012 – Flickr Edition

It’s been a while since I posted a random photo.  Just been behind on a few things.  In any case, here is an oldy.  It snowed a bit today, and reminded me of some older snow scenes that I’ve taken. And looking through my older shots, I saw this one.

Shot with my old Pentax K10D and Pentax’s DA 10-17mm Fisheye.


Pentax K10D
Pentax DA 10-17mm FE
10 mm
ISO 400


Shooting snowy scenes always gives me this calming effect, the quietness, the serenity of everything after a fresh snow fall gives you this peace from with in.  At least with me.  I hope you enjoyed.

Random photo of the day – November 12, 2012 Instagram Edition

Sunset over the lake.

I have a love hate relationship with Instagram. I love it for it’s quick and easy edits on photos, which makes ho-hum cell phone shots into pieces of art, and I hate it cause it’s a quick and easy way to edit photos, and makes us photographers that put hours in the digital dark room processing/editing shots look bad.

In any case, it does show off the one thing a photographer has that cannot be replaced by apps, and what not..and it’s his vision.

I hope you enjoy this quick shot I took over the weekend whilst enjoying a 6 mile walk.


Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Android 4.1

Most viewed Flickr photo of the day – September 18, 2012

And today’s most viewed photograph on my Flickr photostream with a whopping 12 views is….

Very attractive Saria

I thought this was Link at first. The dude in the back appeared in a few more of my photos….FAIL!

Again this was from 2011’s New York City Comic Con.  This year’s is less than a month away, and we will be on hand for more photos!

Most viewed Flickr photo of the day – September 17, 2012

And today’s most viewed photograph on my Flickr photostream with a whopping 6 views is….

Jessica Nigri

Jessica Nigri posing with Garfield.

Again this was from last year’s New York City Comic Con.  And what’s up with the Pez Garfield you may ask.  Well, see for yourself.  Where is Garfield now?

Back to school. Ugh.

It’s that time of year again here in good ole NY State. Probably most of the US, but… Well… Yeah. So.
Back to school time. Really not my favorite time of the year. It’s stressful. All the parents are rushing to Staples to grab the supplies, clogging the highways to finally rid their houses of their college-bound sons and/or daughters. Meanwhile, the non-veteran students are frantically jogging to class, trying to make a good first impression.
What shocks me about this time of year is that many high school freshmen don’t realize that it is a chance to reinvent themselves. Change your image for the better. Forget the peer pressure and be you. And high school is the perfect place to express yourself! There are bound to be at least tens of kids with the same interest. If you don’t mix in well with a group of kids, who cares? Be that universal guy. Attack all sides of life, people.
I’ve never been a normal kid. I’ve always been weirder and more unusual than most. I’m one of those universal guys. I can mix in with the likes of anyone. There’s no reason to be afraid of tackling new horizons.
Oh, you’re not afraid of making friends? You’re terrified of the workload? Trust me, everyone is. I’m taking a college level course this year. It hasn’t even been a whole week of school yet, and I’m already feeling overwhelmed by the curriculum. But it isn’t a reason to not accept the challenge. It’s a way to better yourself.
Do you have your own thoughts on back to school season? Do you have any advice for the incoming freshies and new students? Leave some comments down below and make sure to like this post!

Earworm: School week special – “O.P.P.” Naughty By Nature

I am down with O.P.P.  even though you may not know me. Sorry couldn’t resist.  I remember this song back in grade school.  I didn’t get to listen to rap/hip-hop much back in those days, so I never really got appreciate it back then. Anywhoo, I just remember walking through the halls of my school back in 7th grade when this song came out.  Not sure why, but I just does.

I just wish hip-hop was still this good.  I find myself listening to more stuff from the 90’s and early 2000’s than the stuff they have out now.  This song also, samples Jackson 5’s ABC, which in itself is a time-less classic, and I think to me anyway, this song too is a time-less classic.

Anyway, enjoy the good harmonies, and beats.



Know your “swag.”

Swag. We’ve all heard of it. People wearing snapbacks and Air Jordan retro’s and what not. But here’s the thing. Rarely will you find one who understands what the brands stand for.

Cheesecake Note: As far as The Big Cheese and I are concerned, swag is the free goodies we get at conventions. It is widely known as that and we shall stick to it.

Everyone knows that Air Jordans were the shoes popularized by The Air Man himself, and they are sold for hundreds to even thousands of dollars. Hats, whether fitted or adjustable, are made by several brands, like New Era and Starter. These brands took root in sports. New Era for baseball caps, Jordans for basketball sneakers… But what about those other brands? Can’t leave them dry, can you? They have backgrounds, too! Some in skateboarding, some in music, some in art. Know your swag.

*This article does not contain EVERY “swag” brand out there, and the summaries are just that; summaries. So if you want to find out more about brands, do some research and support!

Really? Another blog?

Yeah, I did this before, and kept it up for about a month, but I was too scared of maintaining it on my own personal site.  Why do it again?  What’s different this time?  Well, I am employing my cousin as a co-editor to help with the content this time, and also, I am doing it through WordPress instead of my own domain/site, hence making maintenance a tad easier.  We will try to inform everyone of useless info, pointless pics, and perhaps, something useful and maybe even educational.  We can’t make promises though.  And seeing as it’s Friday……